Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s War on Babies

I thought it was interesting, hearing Hillary Clinton’s ad defending Planned Parenthood. She was framing the debate as if being pro-baby was being against women. So to be pro-women, in Hillary’s mind, is to be anti-baby. Typical leftist, sowing divisions … Continue reading

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Republican leadership complicit in Benghazi cover-up

When House Speaker John Boehner can get away with it, he appears to have a strong desire to cooperate with Democrats in Congress. And now here he is, with the committee chairs he has put in place, helping the Benghazi … Continue reading

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Have the establishment media no self-respect any more?

I just finished reading an ABC News post, featuring a video of Diane Sawyer trying to portray Romney as unpresidential for disagreeing with Obama’s foreign policy. It is utterly sick and utterly laughable at the same time. Here we have … Continue reading

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For McCain, political opportunism trumps character in attack on Bachmann

John McCain, last week, took to the floor of the Senate to condemn an investigation by Michele Bachmann and four other members of the House Intelligence Committee: Louie Gohmert, Lynn Westmoreland, Trent Franks, and Thomas Rooney. Here is what he … Continue reading

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