Category Archives: National Debt

The liberal Wall Street Journal

What we have in the country is an alliance of Democrats and establishment Republicans trying to push a liberal agenda onto the country, over the objections of the people, and with the Wall Street Journal editorial page egging them on. … Continue reading

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The debt ceiling negotiations – a mine field for Republicans

I have several blog posts urging John Boehner to stand firm on the budget and leave the government shut down indefinitely, if he has to. But the debt ceiling is a different matter. Here Republicans could be playing with fire. … Continue reading

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The US financial death spiral

The other day, Mark Levin brought to the attention of his audience an article that appeared a couple of weeks ago on the financial blog, “Money Morning,” written by Terry Weiss. He quotes Richard Duncan, formerly of the World Bank … Continue reading

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Why Congress will not actually cut spending

Too many people do not actually understand the political strategy of the Democrats, so let me explain it. They are using the power of the government to entrench themselves, and it is happening on several levels. Senator Jim DeMint was … Continue reading

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A Gutsy Move by Standard & Poors

That was a gutsy move by Standard & Poors to downgrade the credit rating of the United States. The King does not like bad news. This makes Standard & Poors a target of the administration, as statements over the weekend … Continue reading

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Make my day – shut down the government!

It appears that Obama and the Democrats are setting the stage for another government shutdown as part of a budget battle. This can be a solid victory for Republicans, if they play their cards right. Gov. Chris Christie of New … Continue reading

Posted in Budget, National Debt | 1 Comment

Obama’s vulnerability in debt ceiling negotiations

When I first heard Mark Levin advising congressional Republicans to take a tough stance while negotiating over raising the debt ceiling, it sounded like a bad move. After all, Congress has to raise the debt ceiling or the country would … Continue reading

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