Tag Archives: Ted Cruz

I’d like Scott Walker to get back in the race

I’m despairing over presidential election politics. The only viable candidate left in the race who has integrity, Ted Cruz, is getting smeared so awfully that it appears to be killing his chances. Some of it is his own fault. Back … Continue reading

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Does Trump mean anything he says?

Just a quick thought after hearing Donald Trump threaten lawsuits against Ted Cruz, which we know he doesn’t actually intend to file. How much else of what he is saying doesn’t he actually intend to do? Will he really build … Continue reading

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Curious claims by the Donald

So here we have Donald Trump campaigning for President, and one of his primary claims is that he’s not going to be beholden to anyone. He’s not taking money from lobbyists, so he can make all his decisions on what … Continue reading

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Everybody knows that Ted Cruz is a citizen

So Donald Trump is now questioning whether Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen. I have a question for him and others who think this is a matter worthy of discussion or investigation. If he was not born a citizen, … Continue reading

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The conservative pundits are going with Trump – but we could do so much better

I listen faithfully to Mark Levin’s radio show each night, at least enough of it each night to pick up all his themes. And while I have great admiration for his insight, his integrity, and his courage, I part ways … Continue reading

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Some questions for you climate change followers

The first question: Does it bother you that your climate change alarmist missionaries seem to be opposed to free and open debate on the issue? As a scientist by training, I can tell you that in no other field of … Continue reading

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Here’s how to stop Trump

I have been feeling that this was the case, so it was interesting to see a Monmouth University poll released yesterday that confirmed my instincts about how to keep Donald Trump from becoming the Republican nominee for President, and it … Continue reading

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Fox News – helping protect corrupt Republican leadership

I knew it was coming, but it was still hard to listen to the assault on Ted Cruz from the Fox News Channel after he confronted Mitch McConnell for his lying about his secret deal on the Export-Import Bank. I’ll … Continue reading

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McConnell lies to Republicans, and Cruz calls him on it

In a dramatic speech on the Senate floor on Friday, Ted Cruz accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of lying to the other Republican Senators about a deal to re-authorize the Export-Import Bank. And interestingly, McConnell has no response. It’s … Continue reading

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What’s the REAL reason Republicans are taking a government shutdown off the table

Last fall, when Senator Ted Cruz was urging Republicans to stand firm against Obamacare and letting Obama shut down the government over the issue, the “voices of moderation” in the Republican Party were all telling us that this would spell … Continue reading

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Don’t lie to me, Senator Rubio

I got an e-mail yesterday afternoon from Florida Senator Marco Rubio that rekindled all my negative feelings about him. Back in July, 2013, I wrote a post titled I’m through with Marco Rubio. The occasion was his attempt to push … Continue reading

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A really bad case of impeach-o-phobia, and this ridiculous lawsuit

It was really curious to see Brit Hume worked up into a lather about impeachment on last night’s Special Report on Fox. The usually mild-mannered Brit had some uncharacteristically harsh words for those who would like to impeach Pres. Obama: … Continue reading

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