Category Archives: Other Candidates

Ben Sasse – bucking the Republican establishment

I heard Ben Sasse interviewed on Mark Levin’s radio show before his primary election victory where he won the Republican nomination for Senate in Nebraska, and I was very impressed. Here is a thoughtful, courageous, highly articulate conservative of the … Continue reading

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A Tea Party defense of Utah Senator Orrin Hatch

Wednesday night, Mark Levin, on his radio show, gave a spirited defense of Senator Orrin Hatch. Senator Hatch is being challenged in his re-election bid by fellow Republican and former Utah State Senator Dan Liljenquist. The Left presents this as … Continue reading

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Ted Cruz for Senate

I heard Ted Cruz interviewed on Mark Levin’s radio show the other day. Was I impressed! I sent him some money. Ted Cruz is a constitutional and social conservative who is running for the U.S. Senate against Texas Lt. Gov. … Continue reading

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Will the real “plant” in the Russell Pearce recall election please stand up?

KTAR radio yesterday covered an interview of candidate Jerry Lewis, one of the candidates in the LD 18 recall election. He was stating that he felt that Olivia Cortes was a “plant” in the election, and her candidacy was designed … Continue reading

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Senator Russell Pearce defends his record, confronts his opponents.

Two days ago, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the recall election for Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce can proceed. So there was a lot of interest as Senator Pearce spoke tonight at the Mountain View Tea Party in Mesa, which … Continue reading

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State Senator Russell Pearce will address his recall Sept. 15

Next Thursday evening, September 15, Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce will be speaking at the Mountain View Tea Party. Also on the program will be Chad Willem, Chairman, Patriots for Pearce, who will give us updated details about the campaign … Continue reading

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