Category Archives: Tucson Shooting

Dump Dupnik

I heard on Fox News that someone from Salt Lake City had initiated a petition campaign for a recall election for Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. Kudos to him for the effort. I hope he succeeds. Here’s a link to … Continue reading

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Liberal Tolerance Turned Off and then Turned On

I caught a short segment of Sean Hannity’s radio show today. He had on Tina Wells, a blogger for The Huffington Post, and Tony Perkins. They were discussing the new MTV show, Skins, and whether or not it was good … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s role

In spite of the pleas from the Left for more civility in public discourse, the vitriol against Sarah Palin appears to be on the rise, and death threats against her are increasing. Public comments in recent days have been exceptionally … Continue reading

Posted in Candidates, Tucson Shooting | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Tucson Memorial T-Shirts – Tackiness on Parade

I thought this was a memorial to honor the dead and the wounded. So how do we get from that to t-shirts, distributed at the event, that say “Together We Thrive?” And what does that slogan have to do with the … Continue reading

Posted in Free Speech, Tucson Shooting | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Obamacare repeal and Gabrielle Giffords

Some of the more partisan Democrats are still trying to use the Tucson shooting incident to political advantage, claiming that it isn’t appropriate now to bring up Obamacare repeal. But I think it is very appropriate. Republicans need to protect … Continue reading

Posted in Health Care, Tucson Shooting | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments

The shameless exploiting of the Gabrielle Giffords tragedy

It didn’t take long for the Left to try to take advantage of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting to try to twist it into an excuse to take away more of our liberties. It’s absolutely despicable. Conservatives, don’t let them get … Continue reading

Posted in Free Speech, Tucson Shooting | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments