Tag Archives: Obamacare repeal

Mitch McConnell interviewed by Mark Levin. Really!

Hey, it’s a very hopeful sign. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell agreed to appear on the Mark Levin radio show. Levin has been highly critical of McConnell and has called for new Republican leadership. But last night, McConnell agreed to … Continue reading

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Taking applications for Republican Majority Leader, Speaker of the House

Upon personally meeting a Republican candidate for the House of Representatives and having an opportunity to ask some questions, one of the first I wanted to ask was how he felt about John Boehner as Speaker. I was delighted to … Continue reading

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Jack Lew on a favorite topic of Liberals – shutting down dissent

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew appeared on Fox News Sunday to talk about Obamacare. And he made an interesting statement. After basking in the victory – “When the Supreme Court rules, we have a final answer” – he … Continue reading

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Obamacare repeal and Gabrielle Giffords

Some of the more partisan Democrats are still trying to use the Tucson shooting incident to political advantage, claiming that it isn’t appropriate now to bring up Obamacare repeal. But I think it is very appropriate. Republicans need to protect … Continue reading

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