Monthly Archives: August 2011

The moocher class vs the producer class

Here is a cute depiction of our government system and the current political tensions. This has been floating around the Internet lately. I don’t know who first wrote it: “The folks who are getting free stuff, don’t like the folks … Continue reading

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I think I may like Wil Cardon for Senate

I noticed the headline in this morning’s East Valley Tribune, “Mormon Moment.” The article focuses on Wil Cardon’s challenge to Jeff Flake for retiring Senator John Kyl’s seat. They’re both LDS. Which is nice. That puts the focus on their … Continue reading

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Another impressive response from Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann is just a very impressive individual. Here is one of many clips I could have posted where she is asked a question, impromptu, and displays those qualities of hers that would make a truly great president. Last night … Continue reading

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Rick Perry for President? No thanks. Give me Michele Bachmann.

A family member asked me the other day what I thought of Rick Perry as a candidate for president. Wary. That’s my opinion. And growing warier. I like what he says. I’m worried that he’s saying it because he knows … Continue reading

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Does Michele Bachmann have enough experience to be President?

I was discussing presidential candidates with someone this past week. I said my favorite candidate was Michele Bachmann. He said he didn’t think she had enough experience to be President. Really! What does experience have to do with being a … Continue reading

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Trying to cheer Obama’s great plan, but first we have to figure out what it is.

I just had to post this link to a video clip from MSNBC’s Chris Matthews show. It is so funny! Chris Matthews has two guests. Cynthia Tucker is a partisan political hack posing as a Pulitzer-Prize-winning syndicated columnist. And Sean … Continue reading

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Who won the Iowa debate? (from Arizona Tea Party Network)

The Arizona Tea Party Network is running an online poll asking who did the best in last night’s Republican debate. Here are the rankings so far, as of 11:00 this morning: Newt Gingrich – 34% Michele Bachmann – 21% Ron … Continue reading

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A surprising showing by Michele Bachmann in our Tea Party straw poll

I left watching the Republican debate on Fox to be able to catch part of our Mountain View Tea Party meeting and its straw poll. I was a little surprised at the results of the poll. Mitt Romney drew 41% of … Continue reading

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A Gutsy Move by Standard & Poors

That was a gutsy move by Standard & Poors to downgrade the credit rating of the United States. The King does not like bad news. This makes Standard & Poors a target of the administration, as statements over the weekend … Continue reading

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Come on, Republicans, talk straight about the budget.

Well, the word is out. We have this grand budget plan that Republicans insisted on before they would raise the debt ceiling that holds budget increases to 7 trillion dollars over the next 10 years, with most of the increases … Continue reading

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