Tag Archives: illegal immigration

Is Donald Trump damaging the Republican brand?

So Rush Limbaugh today quoted some of the establishment Republicans who are having a fit about Donald Trump. George Will on Fox News Sunday said, “If Donald Trump were a Democratic mole placed in the Republican Party to disrupt things, … Continue reading

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The emperor and his enablers

I, like many Americans, was sickened by Obama’s address last night. It was his brazen lawlessness. It was the transparent contradiction in his reasoning: saying on the one hand that he is exercising legitimate executive discretion in acting as presidents … Continue reading

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Obama having great fun seeing what he can get away with

A question that comes to mind after Obama’s latest power grab, rewriting the welfare reform legislation, is, “How far can he go with these power grabs?” And I’m visualizing him having a great time with these. Power is intoxicating and … Continue reading

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Where is the outrage over legislating from the Oval Office?

It’s scary, the lawlessness that the Obama regime seems to get away with. I hear a lot of commenting about Obama’s recent decision to grant work permits to the children of illegal immigrants. But the protests against this brazen abuse … Continue reading

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Rick Perry for President? No thanks. Give me Michele Bachmann.

A family member asked me the other day what I thought of Rick Perry as a candidate for president. Wary. That’s my opinion. And growing warier. I like what he says. I’m worried that he’s saying it because he knows … Continue reading

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