Tag Archives: Eric Holder

Obama’s comical war on radical Islam

Aside from being so serious and scary, the way the Obama administration is conducting the war on radical Islam is really funny. What compounds the humor is the way all his people and other Democrats go along with the ridiculousness. … Continue reading

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This is an enemy of America in Ferguson

Let’s strip away all the pretense and get down to what really happened in Ferguson, Missouri. 18-year-old Michael Brown robbed a store in Ferguson, Missouri and assaulted the clerk. The police were called and officer Darren Wilson arrived on the … Continue reading

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There’s a book that came out about three weeks ago that is a very important book, but that probably won’t get the attention it deserves. It is titled, Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own … Continue reading

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The NAACP – fighting to undo the Martin Luther King legacy

Oh, how the so-called civil rights movement has degenerated since the days of Martin Luther King. I get daily e-mails from policymic, a news source for millennials. Today’s lead story in my e-mail, by Jake Horowitz, was quoting a study … Continue reading

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Obama having great fun seeing what he can get away with

A question that comes to mind after Obama’s latest power grab, rewriting the welfare reform legislation, is, “How far can he go with these power grabs?” And I’m visualizing him having a great time with these. Power is intoxicating and … Continue reading

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Could Eric Holder be hiding donations from drug cartels?

I have heard several commentators theorize that Eric Holder was pushing the Fast and Furious gun running operation to promote the need for more gun control. Clearly there is a huge coverup here, and clearly there’s an ulterior motive for … Continue reading

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Roger Clemens – another misstep for Eric Holder’s Justice Department

Prosecutorial overreach in the Roger Clemens case and in the John Edwards case, and now trouble over Fast and Furious – it hasn’t been a good year for the Eric Holder Justice Department. But singling out the Roger Clemens case, … Continue reading

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Something is seriously wrong with Mitch McConnell

On Tuesday, Senator John Cornyn joined 115 House Republicans and at least three other senators in calling for the resignation of US Attorney General Eric Holder. OK, that’s good. Holder is the most blatantly corrupt public official I can remember … Continue reading

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Questions raised about Obama’s connection to Mexican drug cartels

Did it strike anyone else as unusual how quickly Obama returned campaign donations from these “Chicago men whose brother is a fugitive casino owner with suspected ties to political corruption in Mexico.” (Click the link to read the Chicago Tribune … Continue reading

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Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz interviewed on Mark Levin’s radio show

Radio host Mark Levin had an interesting interview of Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juszkiewicz Tuesday night. In case you haven’t heard, Eric Holder and the U.S. Justice Department decided to make life difficult for the Gibson Guitar Company. On Wednesday, … Continue reading

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