Tag Archives: government corruption

Why do people continue to have faith in government?

When the government screws up so terribly, all the time, and lies about it, why do so many people continue to want to give it more power? I was just logging on to my online credit card account when I … Continue reading

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Why the government is a corruption magnet

Mark Levin keeps making the point that the lying that occurs in the public sector would be severely punished if it occurred in the private sector. If a board of directors, for example, distorted budget figures to try to create … Continue reading

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Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz interviewed on Mark Levin’s radio show

Radio host Mark Levin had an interesting interview of Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juszkiewicz Tuesday night. In case you haven’t heard, Eric Holder and the U.S. Justice Department decided to make life difficult for the Gibson Guitar Company. On Wednesday, … Continue reading

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