Monthly Archives: September 2015

Carly Fiorina’s cheap shot against Ben Carson

It was another one of those events that separate those who worship at the politically correct altar and those who think and actually try to be correct. It was a week ago on Meet the Press—Ben Carson states that he … Continue reading

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Mitch McConnell’s Duplicity

I was confident, because of Mitch McConnell’s tepid response to the de-funding of Planned Parenthood, that what he really wanted to do was continue funding them while appearing to oppose that. After all, Senator McConnell is the defender of the … Continue reading

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Quit picking on Kim Davis

It bothers me when I see good people criticizing Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who is refusing to let her name be put on marriage licenses for same-sex couples, citing her religious beliefs. If I were in Kim … Continue reading

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Here’s how to stop Trump

I have been feeling that this was the case, so it was interesting to see a Monmouth University poll released yesterday that confirmed my instincts about how to keep Donald Trump from becoming the Republican nominee for President, and it … Continue reading

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