Tag Archives: muslim

Carly Fiorina’s cheap shot against Ben Carson

It was another one of those events that separate those who worship at the politically correct altar and those who think and actually try to be correct. It was a week ago on Meet the Press—Ben Carson states that he … Continue reading

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Is Jimmy Carter lying about Islam or just ignorant?

Rush Limbaugh today commented on this amazing interview that Jimmy Carter had with Marc Lamont Hill of the Huffington Post. What is amazing is its apparent total misunderstanding of Islam. How to correct all of this? I keep thinking: So … Continue reading

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Bias doesn’t even begin to describe this. It’s abject corruption of the media.

I watch how the establishment media treat this unfolding of the story of the meltdown of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, and I remain in a state of shock. I have wanted to write about this for days, … Continue reading

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Uncertainty over Obama’s religion is based on reality.

I think some of the pundits are missing one of the points in this confusion over Obama’s religion. Here is a sentence in the Washington Post article by Hillel Italie, titled: “Obama a Muslim? Rumors gain steam, defying facts:” “Nearly one … Continue reading

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