Monthly Archives: June 2014

Is this what establishment Republicans really think of conservatives?

The Republican establishment crossed a line in their desperate attempt to rescue a crony in Mississippi. And I think they’re going to pay for this. I think we’re only starting to see the backlash. For background, Senator Thad Cochran has … Continue reading

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Did Bowe Bergdahl really convert to Islam?

We have the story that broke yesterday, from James Rosen of Fox News, that Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam in captivity, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a “mujahid,” or warrior for Islam. Why, then, was he kept … Continue reading

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This is the impeachable offense we’ve been waiting for

Pres. Obama commits impeachable offenses on a regular basis, and the unwillingness of Congress to say anything about that has damaged our system of government. But on this Taliban prisoner release he is the most vulnerable. I hope someone in … Continue reading

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Why Obama has no interest in freeing Marine sergeant Tahmooressi

I just discovered news about the petition on the White House website asking Obama to demand the release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. (See the Fox News article: WH Petition to Free Marine). Good luck. The problem is, Obama has … Continue reading

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