Tag Archives: Chamber of Commerce

Is Donald Trump damaging the Republican brand?

So Rush Limbaugh today quoted some of the establishment Republicans who are having a fit about Donald Trump. George Will on Fox News Sunday said, “If Donald Trump were a Democratic mole placed in the Republican Party to disrupt things, … Continue reading

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The mask coming off for Mitt Romney

I’m a big supporter of the Senate Conservatives fund. I give them money and I’m on their mailing list. I just got an e-mail from them announcing their first endorsement for the 2016 elections: Mike Lee for Senate in Utah. … Continue reading

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NFIB does not endorse Worsley

My business is a member of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), and I just received their list of legislative endorsements for tomorrow’s primary election. It was interesting to see that they would not endorse Senator Bob Worsley, my … Continue reading

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Is this what establishment Republicans really think of conservatives?

The Republican establishment crossed a line in their desperate attempt to rescue a crony in Mississippi. And I think they’re going to pay for this. I think we’re only starting to see the backlash. For background, Senator Thad Cochran has … Continue reading

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