Category Archives: Wimpy Republicans

Taking applications for Republican Majority Leader, Speaker of the House

Upon personally meeting a Republican candidate for the House of Representatives and having an opportunity to ask some questions, one of the first I wanted to ask was how he felt about John Boehner as Speaker. I was delighted to … Continue reading

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On John Boehner and spiking the football

I sincerely hope that we get some momentum going with the new Republican freshman class in the House of Representatives to get us a new Speaker. We deserve better than John Boehner. His statement this week that, if Obamacare is … Continue reading

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Something is seriously wrong with Mitch McConnell

On Tuesday, Senator John Cornyn joined 115 House Republicans and at least three other senators in calling for the resignation of US Attorney General Eric Holder. OK, that’s good. Holder is the most blatantly corrupt public official I can remember … Continue reading

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Some advice for Republicans in the House

I created a post last Friday in which I said, “Get ready for Republicans to cave on Keystone pipeline.” And it certainly looks like I analyzed it correctly. And now, after correctly predicting the linguini-spined response of Republicans, I have … Continue reading

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Get ready for Republicans to cave on Keystone Pipeline

It nearly drives me crazy, to see this wimpiness in our Republican leaders in Congress, this snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but we’ve seen it time after time and I sense it about to happen again. The Democrats … Continue reading

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Timid Republicans and the unconstitutional health care law

Monday, Judge Roger Vinson issued his ruling voiding Obamacare in its entirety as unconstitutional. On page 79, he indicated that he expected the Federal Government to honor the ruling, which would mean that it ceases implementation. But we know that … Continue reading

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Privatizing Social Security – Don’t back down, conservatives!

A tactic being used by liberal Democrats in the upcoming election cycle is scaring people by saying that conservative candidates want to “privatize” social security. They make it sound so scary. When we examine the proposals, however, conservatives merely want … Continue reading

Posted in Entitlements, Wimpy Republicans | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Mike Pence, Stand Up!

I like Mike Pence (R-IN), and maybe it’s not fair to categorize this post under “Wimpy Republicans.” It’s maybe a lack of being articulate enough. Congressman Pence appeared on Fox News Sunday July 18, 2010, with House Democrat James Clyburn … Continue reading

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