Tag Archives: Harry Reid

Republicans poised to take control of the Senate – ho hum

The buzz on Fox News Special Report tonight was that Republican Senate candidates across the country seem to be doing well, and it is becoming more clear as time goes on that Republicans will take control of the Senate. So. … Continue reading

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The Equality Stamp and the march of Marxism

We’re hearing this from several places now on the left – they are pushing this issue of “income equality,” or simply “equality.” I first noticed this last year when the Post Office issued these four flag stamps. While Liberty, Justice, … Continue reading

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Some advice for Republicans in the House

I created a post last Friday in which I said, “Get ready for Republicans to cave on Keystone pipeline.” And it certainly looks like I analyzed it correctly. And now, after correctly predicting the linguini-spined response of Republicans, I have … Continue reading

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Republicans, shut the government down, and be proud of it!

So Harry Reid is trying to jam this behemoth omnibus spending bill through the lame duck session. Om’gosh, I just caught myself typing omnibus spending bull. Is that a Freudian slip or what! It makes me sick to my stomach … Continue reading

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Comments on the Sharron Angle-Harry Reid debate

I’m reading all these statists comment on how dangerous Sharron Angle would be in office. Omigosh, a smaller government! What an extremely radical idea!

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