Tag Archives: Chris Christie

What we’ve learned about Gov. Christie in Bridgegate

I heard the commentaries after Governor Christie held his marathon press conference on Thursday. George Will, who was on the Special Report All Star Panel that evening, praised him for doing everything right. “He came out and used honest, thumping … Continue reading

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Chris Christie’s sabotage of the election

Was it Chris Christie’s rescue of Obama’s image over Hurricane Sandy that cost the Republicans the election? We can’t say for absolute sure, but it’s looking like that may be the case. Dick Morris calls it “Christie’s fawning promotion of … Continue reading

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Chris Christie – not to be trusted

I’m categorizing this post under “Republican presidential candidates.” Not that Chris Christie is one, but it’s obvious he’s planning to be one in the future. Mark Levin had this guy pegged long before I figured him out. He appeared to … Continue reading

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Republicans, shut the government down, and be proud of it!

So Harry Reid is trying to jam this behemoth omnibus spending bill through the lame duck session. Om’gosh, I just caught myself typing omnibus spending bull. Is that a Freudian slip or what! It makes me sick to my stomach … Continue reading

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