Category Archives: Obama

Do a poll – How many people believe Obama doesn’t love America?

So I’m looking at an excerpt from CNN’s Inside Politics, and host John King is interviewing Ron Fournier of the National Journal about Rudy Giuliani’s comment last night that President Obama doesn’t love America. They are totally freaking out. Ron … Continue reading

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Obama’s comments about Christianity are a window into his soul

We have heard much outrage about Obama’s remarks yesterday at the National Prayer Breakfast. I have a slightly different take. Here is what he said: So how do we, as people of faith, reconcile these realities — the profound good, … Continue reading

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This is the impeachable offense we’ve been waiting for

Pres. Obama commits impeachable offenses on a regular basis, and the unwillingness of Congress to say anything about that has damaged our system of government. But on this Taliban prisoner release he is the most vulnerable. I hope someone in … Continue reading

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Why Obama has no interest in freeing Marine sergeant Tahmooressi

I just discovered news about the petition on the White House website asking Obama to demand the release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. (See the Fox News article: WH Petition to Free Marine). Good luck. The problem is, Obama has … Continue reading

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Worshipping the Great Obama

On one level it’s amusing. On another it’s sick. On yet another level it’s scary – this way we’re being asked to view Obama, to suspend reason. It comes up anytime there is possible criticism of Obama. This time it … Continue reading

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Republicans’ misguided focus on Ambassador Susan Rice

So Susan Rice comes out with a statement defending what she said on the Sunday talk shows on September 16. And it she’s lying. But is this any reason to oppose her nomination as Secretary of State? Here’s what she … Continue reading

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Why Michelle does not accompany her husband (not a joke)

I had an e-mail forwarded to me from my sister-in-law with this subject line. Here is some of what the e-mail said in the first paragraph: “If you check President Obama’s last trip overseas, his wife left just after their … Continue reading

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Where is the outrage over legislating from the Oval Office?

It’s scary, the lawlessness that the Obama regime seems to get away with. I hear a lot of commenting about Obama’s recent decision to grant work permits to the children of illegal immigrants. But the protests against this brazen abuse … Continue reading

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Obama walking back his comment, “The private sector is doing fine.” Really?

They’re discussing this comment by Obama on panels and talk radio all over. On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace brought it up for discussion. But he made one error. He said that later that day Obama walked back those comments. … Continue reading

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A little stunned by the brazen budget lies

It was a little over a week ago when Rex Nutting’s famous column was published in the Wall Street Journal alleging that Obama’s Spending Spree Never Happened. As used as I am to the lies of the Left, I must … Continue reading

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Let Obama Do His End Zone Dance

Yes, I like it that Barack Obama is talking so much about killing Osama Bin Laden, and I hope he keeps doing it. As one who wishes fervently for Obama’s defeat in November, I hope he runs campaign ads about … Continue reading

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Obama says: “Dream Small”

Mark Levin played this clip on his radio show the other night. I just love it when he catches Obama revealing what he truly thinks, and here Obama is, giving his constricted view of the American Dream: I call it: … Continue reading

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