Tag Archives: Libya consulate attack

Republicans’ misguided focus on Ambassador Susan Rice

So Susan Rice comes out with a statement defending what she said on the Sunday talk shows on September 16. And it she’s lying. But is this any reason to oppose her nomination as Secretary of State? Here’s what she … Continue reading

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Tolerance for Obama’s brazen lying

When Candy Crowley lied herself to defend Obama’s lie (see my earlier post on the Candy Crowley scandal), it was answering a question about Libya from undecided voter Kerry Ladka. A part of the story that hasn’t gotten much attention … Continue reading

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Pat Caddell – a traditional liberal with some integrity

This is my third post in a row on this unfolding Libya scandal. But I am fascinated and almost horrified to watch the unfolding of this scandal. And it’s not so much seeing what the Obama Administration has done. It … Continue reading

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Watching one person after another lose their soul for Obama

In an earlier post, I compared the Libya scandal to Watergate, and marveled at how many people are willing to corrupt themselves to defend this administration: the establishment media outlets, Charles Lane, Candy Crowley. Well, over the weekend we had … Continue reading

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Libya scandal compared with Watergate

So we have continuing revelations, embarrassing to the Obama administration, coming out of the Libya scandal. Figuring out what happened was pretty easy for those of us who understand the Left and understand Obama. I continue to follow it, not … Continue reading

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