Monthly Archives: August 2010

Lisa Murkowski concedes

In what I think is the best news of the week so far, Senator Lisa Murkowski conceded today to her primary challenger, Joe Miller. I heard Joe Miller last week being interviewed by Mark Levin and was impressed. And I’m … Continue reading

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Obama Blasts Lies, Disinformation

I’m just reading an article on Politico, titled “Obama Blasts Lies, Disinformation.” And typically, the article leads with disinformation about Obama from the man himself. It starts: “President Barack Obama dismissed a recent poll showing that a third of Americans … Continue reading

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You Need the Full Story on the Ground Zero Mosque

It’s so maddening when I read these comments to a Reuter’s news story about the Ground Zero Mosque controversy. I think about 80% of the comments are opposed to the mosque, but no one seems to understand the key point. … Continue reading

Posted in Media, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Elena Kagan’s America

How I wish that some Republican in the Senate had had the guts to stand up and give a speech painting a picture of Elena Kagan’s America, because it’s an ugly picture. In Elena Kagan’s America: The government would be … Continue reading

Posted in Supreme Court | Tagged | 1 Comment

Uncertainty over Obama’s religion is based on reality.

I think some of the pundits are missing one of the points in this confusion over Obama’s religion. Here is a sentence in the Washington Post article by Hillel Italie, titled: “Obama a Muslim? Rumors gain steam, defying facts:” “Nearly one … Continue reading

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Bill Montgomery at the Mountain View Tea Party

Bill Montgomery was our guest speaker at the Mountain View Tea Party last night (Thursday, August 19). He’s the candidate for Maricopa County Attorney against Rick Romley. He made a good impression and the people liked him. He’s been endorsed … Continue reading

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More Thoughts on the Ground Zero Mosque

Last night, Mark Levin interviewed Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, President and Founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. He is one of a number of Muslims who recognize that this mosque is being proposed as a provocation, not as … Continue reading

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The Ground Zero Mosque

There are two interesting developments in the attempt to build a mosque at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan. The first is a letter that was published on August 9 in the Ottawa Citizen. The letter is from Raheel Raza and … Continue reading

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Confidence in the economy and in the media

Discover Card publishes a report it calls Small Business Watch, and every month they survey the owners of small businesses of 5 or fewer employees. Their July report, just released, reflects a gloomy attitude toward the economy and a distrust … Continue reading

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James Molina for State Senate

When it was announced that James Molina had dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination for the District 19 State Senate seat in Mesa, Arizona, we had a discussion in our Mountain View Tea Party as to what … Continue reading

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A response from a Jeff Flake supporter

Here’s a response I got from my posting: Jeff Flake and the Mesa Tea Party. David- I was also at the Tea Party when Jeff Flake came. The part you forgot to mention is when you got up and promptly … Continue reading

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On Obama’s Approval Numbers – Did You Think about This?

We hear a lot about the president’s low approval numbers, and how fast they are going down compared to other presidents. In today’s Rasmussen daily tracking poll, Obama hits a new low. They give him 24% who strongly approve, 19% … Continue reading

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