On Obama’s Approval Numbers – Did You Think about This?

We hear a lot about the president’s low approval numbers, and how fast they are going down compared to other presidents.

In today’s Rasmussen daily tracking poll, Obama hits a new low. They give him 24% who strongly approve, 19% approve somewhat, 10% disapprove somewhat, and 46% who strongly disapprove. That gives an approval index of -22, which as I said is a record low. (The approval index is the number strongly approving minus the number strongly disapproving.) He started out in January 2009 with an approval index between +28 and +30. The numbers aren’t good.

But did you realize that this is with a basically fawning press, who is willing to cover for him. For example, they reported that the private sector added 71,000 jobs in July. But they left out that they need to add 125,000 jobs every month just to keep pace with population growth. They’re continually trying to put a rosy face on all these statistics. They don’t report the true unemployment number of 17%. They regurgitate his talking points without analysis or fact checking. They love the guy and his whole administration.

Can you imagine what Obama’s approval numbers would be if the news media were actually doing their job?

Links: Read the Liberty Musings website home page.

About mesasmiles

By Dr. David Hall. Dr. Hall runs Infinity Dental Web, a small company that does Internet marketing for dentists. He has had a long-standing interest in politics and as a college student toyed with the idea of a political career.
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