Monthly Archives: October 2010

The Intolerance of the Left Illustrated by NPR

Conservatives live in frustration trying to deal with the dissembling of the Left. And one of those aggravating pretenses with which they deceive so many people is that they are tolerant and broad-minded.  Often it seems that they deceive even … Continue reading

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NPR Isn’t Just Biased – It’s Corrupt

It’s been a gradual process, the deterioration of NPR as an ethical news source. I began listening to NPR in the mornings to get my news when I got fed up with ABC Radio News’ obsession with OJ Simpson in 1994. … Continue reading

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Hilarious Barbara Boxer Parody

Audio of the following ad was aired on tonight’s Mark Levin radio show. It’s hilarious. An actress portrays Senator Barbara Boxer. Her comment to the military officer, where she asks him to call her Senator because she “worked so hard for … Continue reading

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Reflections on the Separation of Church and State

It’s sad that Democrats and the media can get away with these distortions. Their agenda is to portray Delaware US Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell as unfit for office. So, when she said, in a debate with her opponent, Chris Coons, … Continue reading

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Vote Against These Maricopa County Judges

I have a couple of lawyer friends that I respect a great deal, and here is a list of the judges they recommend not to retain. They have had dealings with all of the jduges on the ballot. I will … Continue reading

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The Moocher Class, the Producer Class, and Ayn Rand’s Predictions

Ayn Rand was born in Russia and came to the United States in 1925. Impressed with America, she found a way to stay. In the 1940s, seeing in New Deal liberalism the same philosophy of state control of everything that … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Entitlements | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Suspicious of This Elevated Terror Threat Announcement

I heard the reports last night coming out of the Administration on their suspecting a terror attack in the near future. Man, how I wish I could trust this Regime. I’m sorry, but I hear these assessments coming out of … Continue reading

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Comments on the Sharron Angle-Harry Reid debate

I’m reading all these statists comment on how dangerous Sharron Angle would be in office. Omigosh, a smaller government! What an extremely radical idea!

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Jimmy Carter – the Best Former President

I was just on the US News & World Report website where they decided to put up an online poll questioning Jimmy Carter’s statement that he is the best former president. They introduced this poll saying, “Former President Jimmy Carter … Continue reading

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Privatizing Social Security – Don’t back down, conservatives!

A tactic being used by liberal Democrats in the upcoming election cycle is scaring people by saying that conservative candidates want to “privatize” social security. They make it sound so scary. When we examine the proposals, however, conservatives merely want … Continue reading

Posted in Entitlements, Wimpy Republicans | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Mountain View Tea Party and Jeff Flake

The Mountain View Tea Party meeting tonight discussed the upcoming elections, ballot measures, and how to vote in the upcoming AZ district 5 congressional race. One person there said he wanted to write in Jeff Smith. The consensus, though, was … Continue reading

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Three Myths of the Great Depression

Monday night on his radio show, Mark Levin referenced an article from the Foundation for Economic Education, Three Myths of the Great Depression. I commend it to you. Like many others, I was taught in High School that Roosevelt’s New … Continue reading

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