Monthly Archives: November 2010

The Anti-TSA Groping Wave Is Coming. Better Watch Out!

It surprised me when the entire panel of Fox News Sunday on Sunday, November 21, came to a consensus that the hubbub over the TSA ogling and groping was no big deal. The conservatives on the panel were Bill Kristol, … Continue reading

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The Competence of Airport Security

There will always be those submissive and gullible folks who will say to just let the TSA do its job – they’re making us safer. But I have a question I posed last Wednesday that is still unanswered: Have the TSA security … Continue reading

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On TSA Groping – I Long for the Days of King George

Part of me wants to laugh at how this TSA Groping Scandal is playing out, and part of me wants to throw the bureaucrats who are behind this in jail. This is an issue that crosses party and ideological lines, and … Continue reading

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How Could a Mormon Not Be for Romney?

Last week, after Mitt Romney was the subject of Fox News’s “12 in 2012” rundown of potential Republican candidates for President, I wrote a post “A Mormon not for Romney for President.” I realized that most Latter-day Saints would take … Continue reading

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A List of TSA Indignities

I was reading on the Drudge Report yet another story of someone really abused by a TSA agent, and I decided the world needed a list of these TSA indignities. Check them out on the TSA Abuses page of this … Continue reading

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Anybody but Huckabee

On Thursday, Special Report’s “12 in 2012” series featured Mike Huckabee as a potential candidate for president. To me, it’s a wasted opportunity. The 2012 election is a chance for people who love our Constitution to strike back. Mike Huckabee … Continue reading

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Could Sarah Palin end up endorsing Mike Pence?

Wednesday, Special Report featured Congressman Mike Pence in its “12 in 2012” report of possible Republican candidates for President. I could go for Mike Pence. I suspect a lot of other conservatives could. I was impressed with his vote against … Continue reading

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A Question about the Effectiveness of Airport Security

I have a question that just popped into my head, and wondered if anyone has an answer. I know that our airport security screening has confiscated a lot of toothpaste, makeup, spray deoderant, water bottles, etc. Even some pocket knives. But … Continue reading

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A Mormon not for Romney for President

Monday evening, Special Report’s 12 in 2012 series featured Mitt Romney, and his likely 2012 run for President. I was for Romney in 2008 and supported him in the Republican caucuses in Colorado. But not this year. To me, he crashed … Continue reading

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The John Tyner Groin Check Incident

I’ve been following John Tyner’s “groin check incident” at the San Diego airport. For those of you not familiar with it, you can visit the original blog posting John Tyner made right after this happened. He was singled out to … Continue reading

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Newt Gingrich – You Fall Short

On Wednesday, Special Report on Fox News featured a story on Newt Gingrich as a candidate for president. Part of its “12 in 2012” series that examines twelve potential candidates. I’m against Newt as a candidate for President. I loved … Continue reading

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A History of the TSA – How We Got into This Mess

I’m amused by those on the Left who want to blame this TSA groping scandal on Bush. Ah, yes, you know it’s all Bush’s fault. 😉 How about a little history lesson. Shortly after 9/11, Congress addressed the issue of airport … Continue reading

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