Tag Archives: TSA

The Competence of Airport Security

There will always be those submissive and gullible folks who will say to just let the TSA do its job – they’re making us safer. But I have a question I posed last Wednesday that is still unanswered: Have the TSA security … Continue reading

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The John Tyner Groin Check Incident

I’ve been following John Tyner’s “groin check incident” at the San Diego airport. For those of you not familiar with it, you can visit the original blog posting John Tyner made right after this happened. He was singled out to … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism, TSA abuse | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

A History of the TSA – How We Got into This Mess

I’m amused by those on the Left who want to blame this TSA groping scandal on Bush. Ah, yes, you know it’s all Bush’s fault. 😉 How about a little history lesson. Shortly after 9/11, Congress addressed the issue of airport … Continue reading

Posted in Mormons and Politics, TSA abuse | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Think Clearly, People, about This TSA Groping Scandal

The country has been coming to a slow boil over TSA screening measures. What’s disturbing is the TSA keeps lying to us. It started with introducing what are now being called “naked body scanners.” At first we were told that … Continue reading

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