Category Archives: Islam

Obama’s comments about Christianity are a window into his soul

We have heard much outrage about Obama’s remarks yesterday at the National Prayer Breakfast. I have a slightly different take. Here is what he said: So how do we, as people of faith, reconcile these realities — the profound good, … Continue reading

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Is Jimmy Carter lying about Islam or just ignorant?

Rush Limbaugh today commented on this amazing interview that Jimmy Carter had with Marc Lamont Hill of the Huffington Post. What is amazing is its apparent total misunderstanding of Islam. How to correct all of this? I keep thinking: So … Continue reading

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Yes, Howard Dean, they are Muslim terrorists

I like hearing what Howard Dean has to say, because he will say openly and freely what people on the left are thinking. And he did just that Wednesday on MSNBC. Here’s his reaction to the attacks in Paris by … Continue reading

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Did Bowe Bergdahl really convert to Islam?

We have the story that broke yesterday, from James Rosen of Fox News, that Bowe Bergdahl converted to Islam in captivity, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a “mujahid,” or warrior for Islam. Why, then, was he kept … Continue reading

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Why Michelle does not accompany her husband (not a joke)

I had an e-mail forwarded to me from my sister-in-law with this subject line. Here is some of what the e-mail said in the first paragraph: “If you check President Obama’s last trip overseas, his wife left just after their … Continue reading

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