Category Archives: Government Scandals

Could Eric Holder be hiding donations from drug cartels?

I have heard several commentators theorize that Eric Holder was pushing the Fast and Furious gun running operation to promote the need for more gun control. Clearly there is a huge coverup here, and clearly there’s an ulterior motive for … Continue reading

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Roger Clemens – another misstep for Eric Holder’s Justice Department

Prosecutorial overreach in the Roger Clemens case and in the John Edwards case, and now trouble over Fast and Furious – it hasn’t been a good year for the Eric Holder Justice Department. But singling out the Roger Clemens case, … Continue reading

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Solyndra Scandal – contractor reveals that everyone knew up front that the company would eventually fail.

On Wednesday night, Mark Levin had a caller who had been an employee of a company that worked on the Solyndra plant. Solyndra is the now-bankrupt solar manufacturing company in the Bay area that Obama touted a year ago as a … Continue reading

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Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz interviewed on Mark Levin’s radio show

Radio host Mark Levin had an interesting interview of Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juszkiewicz Tuesday night. In case you haven’t heard, Eric Holder and the U.S. Justice Department decided to make life difficult for the Gibson Guitar Company. On Wednesday, … Continue reading

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