Monthly Archives: February 2015

Net neutrality dissent censored by the establishment media

What is the most amazing to me about this latest power grab by the bureaucracy is how successfully the establishment media has muted the voices of dissent. The dissent has been vigorous and compelling, but unpublicized. I first noticed this … Continue reading

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Do a poll – How many people believe Obama doesn’t love America?

So I’m looking at an excerpt from CNN’s Inside Politics, and host John King is interviewing Ron Fournier of the National Journal about Rudy Giuliani’s comment last night that President Obama doesn’t love America. They are totally freaking out. Ron … Continue reading

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Obama’s comical war on radical Islam

Aside from being so serious and scary, the way the Obama administration is conducting the war on radical Islam is really funny. What compounds the humor is the way all his people and other Democrats go along with the ridiculousness. … Continue reading

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Be careful, Democrats, your anti-Semitism is showing

One of the skills needed for a successful political career, if you’re a liberal, is dissimulation. In most election districts, you have to appear more moderate than you are. And, in regards to Israel, you have to appear to favor … Continue reading

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Social Security in Spanish – it’s so easy to apply!

My wife was applying for Social Security benefits this morning and I went with her. The largest poster I saw in the waiting room was one in Spanish proclaiming how easy it was to apply for Social Security and Medicare … Continue reading

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Will the real Faux News please stand up

It’s been interesting following this Brian Williams scandal. The problem NBC executives had in dealing with him, as I read from NBC sources, was that the audience really likes him, and most of the responses they got from their audience … Continue reading

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Politeness – contributing to the demise of the Republic

One of the news items on Drudge last Sunday was about the Sundance Film Festival. It seems that the movie 3 1/2 minutes won the Special Jury Award for Social Impact. This is a movie about the shooting of 17-year-old … Continue reading

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Obama’s comments about Christianity are a window into his soul

We have heard much outrage about Obama’s remarks yesterday at the National Prayer Breakfast. I have a slightly different take. Here is what he said: So how do we, as people of faith, reconcile these realities — the profound good, … Continue reading

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