Monthly Archives: September 2012

Bias doesn’t even begin to describe this. It’s abject corruption of the media.

I watch how the establishment media treat this unfolding of the story of the meltdown of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, and I remain in a state of shock. I have wanted to write about this for days, … Continue reading

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Have the establishment media no self-respect any more?

I just finished reading an ABC News post, featuring a video of Diane Sawyer trying to portray Romney as unpresidential for disagreeing with Obama’s foreign policy. It is utterly sick and utterly laughable at the same time. Here we have … Continue reading

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Statement from Russell Pearce

Here is the text of a statement made by Russell Pearce by e-mail to supporters that I just found in my e-mail earlier today. It shows the real class of the man: I’m a few days late sending you this … Continue reading

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Social Business – a concept fraught with doubletalk, and the soft-pedalling of coercion

I learned of an interesting book by Muhammad Yunus, Building Social Business – The New Kind of Capitalism that Serves Humanity’s Most Pressing Needs. So I looked it up on Amazon. I was intrigued by the book and also by … Continue reading

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Mormons and Moderates – and the defeat of Russell Pearce

I was sad to see the defeat of Russell Pearce in his bid to get back into the Arizona State Senate, losing his primary election to Republican businessman Bob Worsley, 56% to 44%. Some very good people voted against him. … Continue reading

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