Category Archives: Limited Government

Report on Article V convention progress in Arizona

Arizona State Representative Bob Thorpe called in Friday to the Mark Levin radio show and reported on the progress of the proposal to call a convention of the states to amend the constitution. Plus I amplified his information with some … Continue reading

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Progress of the Liberty Amendments in Arizona

Back in November I wrote a post about Mark Levin’s new book, The Liberty Amendments. In it, he proposes that the states call a convention for the purpose of amending the US Constitution. This is a provision that was placed … Continue reading

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The Left, driven by class envy, has a problem with logic

I’ve had an interesting exchange on a discussion group on the Mother Jones website over the past few days, and it made me reflect on the thought processes of the Left. Don’t expect logic out of these people. The article … Continue reading

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Comparing the United States to the old Soviet Union

Last week, Mark Levin had a call on his radio show that is worth publishing here. The caller, Ed from Long Island, had grown up in the old Soviet Union. Here is a transcript of what he said: “Yes, hi, … Continue reading

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How to restore the American Republic

Three months ago, Mark Levin released a blockbuster new book, The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic. In it, he proposes that the states call a convention to amend the US Constitution. I have a key suggestion about how to … Continue reading

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Republicans, shut the government down, and be proud of it!

So Harry Reid is trying to jam this behemoth omnibus spending bill through the lame duck session. Om’gosh, I just caught myself typing omnibus spending bull. Is that a Freudian slip or what! It makes me sick to my stomach … Continue reading

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Statists believe in the unlimited power of the federal government.

This Tea Party rebellion is finally getting to the heart of the matter, and this is a point that Mark Levin has been making for years. As he has debated what he calls “statists”, he has repeatedly asked them what … Continue reading

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Reflections on the bursting of the Lake Delhi Dam in Iowa

I saw on the Drudge Report this morning an article about the Lake Delhi Dam in eastern Iowa that broke last Saturday, July 24. They had had about ten inches of rain in a 12-hour period, and it overwhelmed the … Continue reading

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America’s Ruling Class and the Perils of Revolution

There is a landmark article in the July/August 2010 issue of The American Spectator that deserves a lot of attention. Written by Angelo M. Codevilla, it is titled “America’s Ruling Class—And the Perils of Revolution.” Angelo Codevilla is a professor … Continue reading

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