Tag Archives: Senator Bob Worsley

Follow-up on Bob Worsley’s business dealings

A little over a month ago I posted the contents of an e-mail I received from Kris Heap documenting business dealings of Arizona State Senator Bob Worsley (LD-25), titled, Why would Bob Worsley spend close to $1 million to stay … Continue reading

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Why would Bob Worsley spend over half a million $ to stay in the Arizona Senate?

Back on August 3 I wrote a post commenting on a mailer I received that quoted Senator Jeff Flake: “Bob Worsley doesn’t need this job, but Arizona needs Bob Worsley to have this job.” You see, I have learned over … Continue reading

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It’s almost like Romney is running for the Arizona state legislature

Here in Arizona LD 25, where Big Government Republican Bob Worsley, the most liberal Republican in the Arizona legislature, is running for re-election, I see all these signs up and mailers in my mailbox telling me how Mitt Romney endorses … Continue reading

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Worsley Promises and Performance by Bill Sandry and Vote Smart Arizona

I received this e-mail from the Mountain View Tea Party. I don’t find it published anywhere on the Web, so I thought I’d share it here: Promise No. 1:  Worsley has stated “All of my businesses went from start-up to … Continue reading

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Bob Worsley doesn’t need this job? Really, Senator Flake?

A while back, I got an election mailer promoting my state senator, Bob Worsley. It featured a statement by US Senator Jeff Flake as follows: “Bob Worsley doesn’t need this job, but Arizona needs Bob Worsley to have this job.” … Continue reading

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More deceptive campaigning by Bob Worsley

I got a mailer yesterday from Senator Bob Worsley’s campaign. It quotes former state senator Tom Freestone as saying: “Anyone can talk about small government, but Bob Worsley actually practices small government. He focuses on only 8 to 10 big … Continue reading

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Report on Article V convention progress in Arizona

Arizona State Representative Bob Thorpe called in Friday to the Mark Levin radio show and reported on the progress of the proposal to call a convention of the states to amend the constitution. Plus I amplified his information with some … Continue reading

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