Category Archives: Racism

Vester Flanagan – planted and watered by the Left

Vester Flanagan is the real name of the shooter in Virginia who committed that horrible murder on live TV. We shouldn’t be surprised that this sort of thing is happening. We have had a year since Ferguson, Missouri in which … Continue reading

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Politeness – contributing to the demise of the Republic

One of the news items on Drudge last Sunday was about the Sundance Film Festival. It seems that the movie 3 1/2 minutes won the Special Jury Award for Social Impact. This is a movie about the shooting of 17-year-old … Continue reading

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This is an enemy of America in Ferguson

Let’s strip away all the pretense and get down to what really happened in Ferguson, Missouri. 18-year-old Michael Brown robbed a store in Ferguson, Missouri and assaulted the clerk. The police were called and officer Darren Wilson arrived on the … Continue reading

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Racism in Ferguson Missouri

It’s time that we call this what it is: racism. I just saw a news item: An African-American saying that “There Will be a ‘Rebellion’ if Officer Darren Wilson is not indicted.” And why should he be indicted? Because he … Continue reading

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The NAACP – fighting to undo the Martin Luther King legacy

Oh, how the so-called civil rights movement has degenerated since the days of Martin Luther King. I get daily e-mails from policymic, a news source for millennials. Today’s lead story in my e-mail, by Jake Horowitz, was quoting a study … Continue reading

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Finally figuring out black racism

Thanks to the George Zimmerman trial, some people seem to be finally figuring this out, that the new American racism is blacks who hate whites. I wrote about this a little over a year ago, that black people hating white … Continue reading

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Socially acceptable racism

Racism is the worst sin of the modern era. That is, unless it is black people hating white people. I was thinking about the firing of blogger Naomi Schaefer Riley for her critique the she wrote for The Chronicle of … Continue reading

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Thoughts on the Shirley Sherrod matter

The administration, in a knee-jerk reaction, fired Department of Agriculture employee Shirley Sherrod because of a video that surfaced of a speech in which she talked about not wanting to help a poor farmer simply because he was white. They … Continue reading

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