Category Archives: Terrorism

Of course Guantanamo is a recruitment tool for terrorists

Obama is right and his critics are wrong on this one. The Guantanamo prison is clearly a recruitment tool for terrorists. Obama releases the prisoners, and the terrorists go after those released and my understanding is that they recruit a … Continue reading

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Obama’s comical war on radical Islam

Aside from being so serious and scary, the way the Obama administration is conducting the war on radical Islam is really funny. What compounds the humor is the way all his people and other Democrats go along with the ridiculousness. … Continue reading

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Yes, Howard Dean, they are Muslim terrorists

I like hearing what Howard Dean has to say, because he will say openly and freely what people on the left are thinking. And he did just that Wednesday on MSNBC. Here’s his reaction to the attacks in Paris by … Continue reading

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Barack Obama says it but he doesn’t mean it

Obama’s address to the nation on Wednesday night was the most illogical bundle of contradictions I can remember hearing from the man, and that’s saying something. Obama’s speech is so crammed with errors that from his opening sentence, it is … Continue reading

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Understanding Obama’s foreign policy

I hear pundits all over trying varying explanations for Obama’s failure to act and the confusion he is communicating in dealing with America’s enemies abroad. But this is not really that complicated to figure out. Uncomfortable, yes, but complicated, no. … Continue reading

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Forgetting 9/11

The little black ribbon icon that is appearing today on the Google search page carries the text, “Remembering September 11th.” I find that interesting because the efforts of the establishment, especially of late, are trying to help us forget the … Continue reading

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Miranda rights vs Right to keep and bear arms. The Left reveals its true colors.

I don’t think I’ve seen the American Left in such nimble mental gymnastics, ever. We just got through hearing from many on the Left, including President Obama, how, if we could save just one child, we should move to restrict … Continue reading

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Agreeing with the ACLU

I heard noted conservatives Charles Krauthammer and Steve Hayes endorsing the targeted drone killings of the Obama administration. I have to disagree, and I’ll explain why. As a staunch conservative and foreign policy hawk, I must admit a slight amount … Continue reading

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Tolerance for Obama’s brazen lying

When Candy Crowley lied herself to defend Obama’s lie (see my earlier post on the Candy Crowley scandal), it was answering a question about Libya from undecided voter Kerry Ladka. A part of the story that hasn’t gotten much attention … Continue reading

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Pat Caddell – a traditional liberal with some integrity

This is my third post in a row on this unfolding Libya scandal. But I am fascinated and almost horrified to watch the unfolding of this scandal. And it’s not so much seeing what the Obama Administration has done. It … Continue reading

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Watching one person after another lose their soul for Obama

In an earlier post, I compared the Libya scandal to Watergate, and marveled at how many people are willing to corrupt themselves to defend this administration: the establishment media outlets, Charles Lane, Candy Crowley. Well, over the weekend we had … Continue reading

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Libya scandal compared with Watergate

So we have continuing revelations, embarrassing to the Obama administration, coming out of the Libya scandal. Figuring out what happened was pretty easy for those of us who understand the Left and understand Obama. I continue to follow it, not … Continue reading

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