Tag Archives: John McCain

Don’t lie to me, Senator Rubio

I got an e-mail yesterday afternoon from Florida Senator Marco Rubio that rekindled all my negative feelings about him. Back in July, 2013, I wrote a post titled I’m through with Marco Rubio. The occasion was his attempt to push … Continue reading

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Is this what establishment Republicans really think of conservatives?

The Republican establishment crossed a line in their desperate attempt to rescue a crony in Mississippi. And I think they’re going to pay for this. I think we’re only starting to see the backlash. For background, Senator Thad Cochran has … Continue reading

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Republican deceit on Obamacare defunding

This is the way they try to fool the voters. First they vote to give the Democrats the power to block the defunding of Obamacare. Then, when they’ve set the stage so that their vote to block it will not … Continue reading

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Forgetting 9/11

The little black ribbon icon that is appearing today on the Google search page carries the text, “Remembering September 11th.” I find that interesting because the efforts of the establishment, especially of late, are trying to help us forget the … Continue reading

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Why is John Boehner saying “yes” to this Syria nonsense.

I just finished a piece about Syria from the Wall Street Journal by Peggy Noonan, “Why America Is Saying ‘No’.” She sums it up pretty well: “Syria and Obama: Wrong time, wrong place, wrong plan, wrong man.” But it brings … Continue reading

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The war for Obama to save face

Obama is at it again. McCain is at it again. The Republican establishment is at it again. All jumping on this bandwagon about Syria and all so out of touch with the people. “The consequences of the Congress of the … Continue reading

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Democracy is overrated – witness Egypt

This ranks with one of the stupidest things I have seen John McCain do – condemning the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood–led government in Egypt and calling for cutting off aid to the military in that country. The Egyptian military … Continue reading

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Standing up to Obama really works

It was a good week for conservatives. After holding firm on the sequester, we had Rand Paul’s gutsy filibuster defending the bill of rights. We conservatives have been looking for something to cheer for a long time. By blocking any … Continue reading

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For McCain, political opportunism trumps character in attack on Bachmann

John McCain, last week, took to the floor of the Senate to condemn an investigation by Michele Bachmann and four other members of the House Intelligence Committee: Louie Gohmert, Lynn Westmoreland, Trent Franks, and Thomas Rooney. Here is what he … Continue reading

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Matt Salmon at the Mountain View Tea Party

Matt Salmon was the guest speaker at our Mountain View Tea Party tonight. I was very impressed. My first clue that this is a man I can trust was his sticking to his word when he first served in Congress. … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Charge ahead to defeat with Mitt Romney. Let’s do it again with another moderate.

I just read a truly ignorant column by Victor Davis Hanson posted on TownHall.com about Mitt Romney as the castor oil candidate. We don’t like how he tastes, but he is good medicine for us. Now I’ve been around long … Continue reading

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Anybody but Huckabee

On Thursday, Special Report’s “12 in 2012” series featured Mike Huckabee as a potential candidate for president. To me, it’s a wasted opportunity. The 2012 election is a chance for people who love our Constitution to strike back. Mike Huckabee … Continue reading

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