Tag Archives: Kirk Adams

Sarah Palin, Jeff Flake, and Kirk Adams – sorting it all out

I just found a posting from about ten days ago on the Gilbert Watch blog: Randy Hatch, Chairman of AZ Red Mountain Tea Party, speaks out. I basically agree with most of the conclusions, but it shows a political naiveté … Continue reading

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Kirk Adams doesn’t fool the local Tea Parties

I got a robocall today from Pat Boone asking me to vote for Kirk Adams. Sorry, Pat – I respect you, but you don’t know our candidates personally, and you missed this one. I know how these national endorsements work. … Continue reading

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Matt Salmon at the Mountain View Tea Party

Matt Salmon was the guest speaker at our Mountain View Tea Party tonight. I was very impressed. My first clue that this is a man I can trust was his sticking to his word when he first served in Congress. … Continue reading

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Matt Salmon or Kirk Adams for Congress?

I got a letter yesterday from former State Senator Russell Pearce asking me to donate to the Matt Salmon campaign. Matt Salmon is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Congress from Arizona’s sixth district, a seat currently held by Jeff … Continue reading

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