Sarah Palin, Jeff Flake, and Kirk Adams – sorting it all out

I just found a posting from about ten days ago on the Gilbert Watch blog: Randy Hatch, Chairman of AZ Red Mountain Tea Party, speaks out. I basically agree with most of the conclusions, but it shows a political naiveté that needs correcting.

He was complaining about Sarah Palin’s endorsements in Arizona, where she has come out in favor of some establishment types. But he shows a “slash-and-burn” intolerance that doesn’t work for getting real change. Here’s what he says:

“Sarah Palin has lost my trust in 2010 by supporting RINO, John McCain.  Now word comes that she is again taking orders from her political boss and endorsing other moderate candidates she has probably never met, Jeff Flake and Kirk Adams.”

He goes on to blast her for supporting Orrin Hatch, and then he says: “She has become a multi-millionaire by traveling the country charging up to $200,000 an appearance to tell us NOT TO VOTE FOR RINOS AND NOT TO SUPPORT THE ESTABLISHMENT.”

Yes, Sarah Palin supported John McCain’s re-election while I supported his rival, J.D. Hayworth. The difference between me and Randy Hatch is that I didn’t lose faith in Sarah Palin over it. Loyalty is a virtue in my book, and, while I disagree, I respect her decision.

And what’s with this “Occupy” rhetoric, railing against multi-millionaires?

And I don’t go for this conspiracy rhetoric, “taking orders from her political boss.” Give me a break. Yes, I’m sure that John McCain has a lot of influence with Sarah Palin. But open your eyes, Randy. While John McCain was cutting radio ads for establishment Republican icon Dick Lugar, Sarah Palin was helping nominate his conservative opponent, Richard Mourdock, in the biggest “poke in the eye” of the Republican establishment of the year. And she has done similarly in other key races around the country. But friendship carries some weight, so I am not disgusted when she endorses Kirk Adams, I just let my better judgment prevail. We here locally know that Matt Salmon is the true conservative, solid, with integrity, who knows how to get things done. We shouldn’t let ANYBODY pull our strings. Just listen, weigh, and make up your own mind.

Sadly, I can’t also speak up for Wil Cardon. I’m sorry, but I was there when Cardon spoke to our Mountain View Tea Party, and he just doesn’t ring true. Jeff Flake doesn’t either. But we all know Jeff Flake is going to win that primary by a wide margin. So save your energy for races where you can make a difference.

Politics is about getting results and getting things to happen. You don’t get that done by making enemies when you could be making friends. Sarah Palin and Mark Levin both endorsed Orrin Hatch for the Senate, and they had their good reasons. Orrin Hatch, while not a perfect conservative, is a good man with integrity. And The Club for Growth has endorsed Jeff Flake. Are you going to fight the Club for Growth, Sarah Palin, AND Mark Levin? If so, you’re going to have an awfully short list of friends.

Randy, do you visualize actually getting a majority and making actual change in Washington? I have news – you’re never going to get there with your very narrow list of friends. Be true, be conservative, but also be smart.

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About mesasmiles

By Dr. David Hall. Dr. Hall runs Infinity Dental Web, a small company that does Internet marketing for dentists. He has had a long-standing interest in politics and as a college student toyed with the idea of a political career.
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