Category Archives: Gay Marriage

Quit picking on Kim Davis

It bothers me when I see good people criticizing Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who is refusing to let her name be put on marriage licenses for same-sex couples, citing her religious beliefs. If I were in Kim … Continue reading

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Inside the minds of those who don’t stand on principle

I saw a cartoon by David Fitzsimmons in Sunday’s Mesa Tribune that was very revealing as to how many people on the Left think. I am entitled to post the cartoon here for the purposes of criticism, but out of … Continue reading

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My Thoughts on the Gay Marriage Ruling

Friday morning, after the announcement that the Supreme Court has now declared same-sex marriage to be a new constitutional right, LDS Living posted the LDS Church’s response to the ruling. What was interesting were the comments posted by readers. Some … Continue reading

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Forcing us to celebrate these same-sex weddings

OK, so these gay rights activists want to force the baker to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, whether he feels it violates his conscience or not. It’s a new America, formerly known as the land of the free. … Continue reading

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Indiana: One-way tolerance isn’t tolerance at all

George Stephanopoulos felt like he had Indiana Governor Mike Pence in a corner when he asked him flatly, “And so yes or no, if a florist in Indiana refuses to serve a gay couple at their wedding, is that legal … Continue reading

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I warned you about the intolerance of the gay rights movement

On Friday, October 10, in a move that many would characterize as the epitome of tolerance, the United States Supreme Court announced its decision to allow to stand a ruling by a lower court invalidating Idaho’s ban on same sex … Continue reading

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Arizona SB1062 and the death of religious liberty

When you contemplate what just happened in Arizona with the squashing of SB1062, it’s breathtaking. The bill made no reference at all to gays, same sex marriage, or discrimination. It simply allowed a person to cite his or her religious … Continue reading

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Arizona SB 1062 – Senator Worsley checks his political courage at the door

Political moderates are interesting creatures. They like to stake out a position between the extremes so that they appear reasonable. It bugs me because in this day, when our freedoms are under serious assault, we need people of conviction and … Continue reading

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The Enders Game author and bigotry

Today, the movie Enders Game is released in theaters across the country. My wife and I will be going. It looks like a great movie. But there is controversy about it bubbling under the surface. You may notice in the … Continue reading

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Get ready for this, those of you who believe in traditional marriage

Obama’s declaration yesterday that he wouldn’t try to force churches to conduct gay marriages is revealing. When someone answers a charge that hasn’t been made, it tends to indicate that the charge is true. Let me go a step further. … Continue reading

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Dr. Benjamin Carson reveals intolerance of Left

I listened to Dr. Benjamin Carson’s interview on the Mark Levin show Monday night. I love honesty and that’s why I loved this interview. I love it when the hypocrites, the phonies, the pretenders, are exposed. And there was a … Continue reading

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Intolerance in modern-day liberalism – this is what the same sex marriage issue is about

There is a scary part of this debate over same-sex marriage that few people are talking about, and it was illustrated on last night’s panel discussion on Fox News Special Report. I respect Kirsten Powers as an honest, blue-blooded Liberal, … Continue reading

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