My Thoughts on the Gay Marriage Ruling

Friday morning, after the announcement that the Supreme Court has now declared same-sex marriage to be a new constitutional right, LDS Living posted the LDS Church’s response to the ruling. What was interesting were the comments posted by readers. Some of the comments actually celebrated the decision–one, from a commenter identified as t-reezy, said, “I am active LDS and share your enthusiasm for this decision.”

Another large proportion of comments were from people basically saying, “This is no big deal.” A commenter identified as lb35 said they were a temple worker. “If the church next door wants to perform gay marriages, I really don’t care.” Others went on about how this wouldn’t change who got into heaven and who wouldn’t.

Really? You don’t care what happens to society?

And really? You don’t see what is going on here–the intolerance of those pushing this gay rights agenda?

The basic premise of this ruling is that denying marriage to these couples is bigotry. In fact, this is so awful, to deny them marriage, that we need to enshrine it in the Constitution – same-sex marriage is now a constitutional right in our newly written 2015 version of the Constitution.

To those who say they still have their freedom of religion, you really need to think again. No right in the Constitution is without limits. If your religion calls for the flogging of witches, the law is not going to allow you to practice that. So now traditional churches are, by this ruling, “haters.” Do you really think that in this current society the courts will uphold your right to be a “hater” simply because that’s your religion? That remains to be seen.

Justice Samuel Alito made an interesting statement in his dissent. ” I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes,” he said, “but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools.” He clearly understands the implications of this decision. In reporting on this, a columnist from the Los Angeles Times, Robin Abcarian, dismissed his concerns. Robin didn’t deny that this would occur. Her response was more like the equivalent of saying, “So what. If you’re a bigot you need to accept the consequences.”

I have a question for Robin Abcarian and all others who are calling the defense of traditional marriage “bigotry.” How is it possible that a mere 20 years ago that 85% of the Congress of the United States and President Bill Clinton were bigots and haters? Back in 1996 they passed the Defense of Marriage Act which defined marriage as between one man and one woman. Does it bother you that fundamental rights can change so quickly and that anyone not swept up in the fervor of the moment can be labeled a “hater?”

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About mesasmiles

By Dr. David Hall. Dr. Hall runs Infinity Dental Web, a small company that does Internet marketing for dentists. He has had a long-standing interest in politics and as a college student toyed with the idea of a political career.
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