Tag Archives: intolerance of the gay rights movement

Quit picking on Kim Davis

It bothers me when I see good people criticizing Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who is refusing to let her name be put on marriage licenses for same-sex couples, citing her religious beliefs. If I were in Kim … Continue reading

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My Thoughts on the Gay Marriage Ruling

Friday morning, after the announcement that the Supreme Court has now declared same-sex marriage to be a new constitutional right, LDS Living posted the LDS Church’s response to the ruling. What was interesting were the comments posted by readers. Some … Continue reading

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Indiana: One-way tolerance isn’t tolerance at all

George Stephanopoulos felt like he had Indiana Governor Mike Pence in a corner when he asked him flatly, “And so yes or no, if a florist in Indiana refuses to serve a gay couple at their wedding, is that legal … Continue reading

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The Enders Game author and bigotry

Today, the movie Enders Game is released in theaters across the country. My wife and I will be going. It looks like a great movie. But there is controversy about it bubbling under the surface. You may notice in the … Continue reading

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Get ready for this, those of you who believe in traditional marriage

Obama’s declaration yesterday that he wouldn’t try to force churches to conduct gay marriages is revealing. When someone answers a charge that hasn’t been made, it tends to indicate that the charge is true. Let me go a step further. … Continue reading

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Dr. Benjamin Carson reveals intolerance of Left

I listened to Dr. Benjamin Carson’s interview on the Mark Levin show Monday night. I love honesty and that’s why I loved this interview. I love it when the hypocrites, the phonies, the pretenders, are exposed. And there was a … Continue reading

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Intolerance in modern-day liberalism – this is what the same sex marriage issue is about

There is a scary part of this debate over same-sex marriage that few people are talking about, and it was illustrated on last night’s panel discussion on Fox News Special Report. I respect Kirsten Powers as an honest, blue-blooded Liberal, … Continue reading

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Adam Smith’s Chick-fil-A rant and the Family Research Council shooting – examples of intolerance from proponents of gay rights

When Adam Smith, CFO/Treasurer for Vante Vision Center in Tucson, decided to berate a Chick-fil-A employee over her company president’s stance for traditional marriage and to record it for YouTube, he did not realize the firestorm he would start or … Continue reading

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The pro-gay marriage speech police are at it again

Too many people in this country are still under the dangerous illusion that legalizing gay marriage would be an act of tolerance. As I wrote earlier this year, legalizing gay marriage would unleash a torrent of intolerance. And this is … Continue reading

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“Wipe Out Homophobia” – scary intolerance of religion

There is a group that is called “Wipe Out Homophobia” and they have a Facebook page. And they have over 400,000 likes. And they talk about love and tolerance. But think about the title of the group – it’s all … Continue reading

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Gay marriage advocates and their intolerance of religion

I saw a posting on Buzzfeed.com today that got my attention. There is a photograph of a sign at St. Francis Xavier church that says, “Two men are friends not spouses.” Next to the sign is a handwritten sign tacked … Continue reading

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Legalizing gay marriage will unleash a torrent of intolerance

Those pushing for legalizing same-sex marriage present it as a matter of tolerance and “civil rights.” That’s how President Obama explained his views. But it’s not about tolerance, it’s about intolerance. Let me explain. The Left has gotten away with … Continue reading

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