Monthly Archives: January 2014

John Boehner’s disgraceful, embarrassing performance on the Tonight Show

I heard clips of John Boehner’s interview last Wednesday night on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I’m left wondering what in the world was on his mind, what he was intending to accomplish with this interview. Now I know … Continue reading

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Obama validates my assessment of John Boehner

Did you pick up on this in Pres. Obama’s interview with The New Yorker magazine? He gave away John Boehner’s negotiating strategy, and he validates what I have been saying about the Speaker. Here is the quote: “Another way of … Continue reading

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This disgusting, corrupt budget process

It used to nearly make my hair nearly stand on end to hear the rant of libertarians, years ago, that there was no difference between the Democrats and Republicans. However, in regard to the leadership of the Republican party, that … Continue reading

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The corruption of John Boehner

I am a big fan of Mark Levin, listen to his radio show regularly, and his opinions and analysis carry a great deal of weight with me. So I have been disappointed that he hasn’t seemed to see through John … Continue reading

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A gradual, quiet coup

That’s how Mark Levin described President Obama’s approach to the presidency, underscored by Obama’s comments today in his first official cabinet meeting of the year. As quoted by The Daily Caller, he said: “One of the things I’ll be emphasizing … Continue reading

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What we’ve learned about Gov. Christie in Bridgegate

I heard the commentaries after Governor Christie held his marathon press conference on Thursday. George Will, who was on the Special Report All Star Panel that evening, praised him for doing everything right. “He came out and used honest, thumping … Continue reading

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Global warming – coming to grips with reality

Watching the Left wrestle with recent climate news has reinforced my belief that deep down inside they truly do fear the whole thing may be a hoax. Here are two recent pieces of evidence: 1. The Antarctic global warming expedition … Continue reading

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