Tag Archives: John Boehner

The Republican Party Is Sick, and Trump Is the Symptom

While I don’t trust Donald Trump, I do love what he is saying. And I’m hoping he can help wake up a number of Republicans to the illness that is afflicting their party. It’s not entirely unlike what is happening … Continue reading

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The Uncommon Courage of Congressman Mark Meadows

It’s been almost three weeks since Congressman Mark Meadows made his gutsy motion to vacate the office of Speaker of the House. While the motion fizzled, as expected, I’d like to memorialize Congressman Meadows for his act of uncommon courage, … Continue reading

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Iran won’t even thank us for the Nukes

The tough thing about this Iran deal that Obama and Kerry have negotiated is that Iran won’t even thank the United States for helping it get nuclear weapons. But let’s put that aside and look at how they got this … Continue reading

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The Republican way of ruling against the will of the people

So on Tuesday, March 3, the House of Representatives voted to fund the Department of Homeland Security without any restrictions on immigration. It was billed as a victory for President Obama (see the NPR report of the vote) and it … Continue reading

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Be careful, Democrats, your anti-Semitism is showing

One of the skills needed for a successful political career, if you’re a liberal, is dissimulation. In most election districts, you have to appear more moderate than you are. And, in regards to Israel, you have to appear to favor … Continue reading

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The emperor and his enablers

I, like many Americans, was sickened by Obama’s address last night. It was his brazen lawlessness. It was the transparent contradiction in his reasoning: saying on the one hand that he is exercising legitimate executive discretion in acting as presidents … Continue reading

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Republicans poised to take control of the Senate – ho hum

The buzz on Fox News Special Report tonight was that Republican Senate candidates across the country seem to be doing well, and it is becoming more clear as time goes on that Republicans will take control of the Senate. So. … Continue reading

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A really bad case of impeach-o-phobia, and this ridiculous lawsuit

It was really curious to see Brit Hume worked up into a lather about impeachment on last night’s Special Report on Fox. The usually mild-mannered Brit had some uncharacteristically harsh words for those who would like to impeach Pres. Obama: … Continue reading

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Republican Senate leadership is trying to fool us on the debt ceiling vote

I’m a fervent conservative and a life-long Republican. But if I lived in Kentucky, I’d probably work for the defeat of Mitch McConnell in his Senate re-election campaign, even against the Democrat. That’s how disgusted I am with how he … Continue reading

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John Boehner’s disgraceful, embarrassing performance on the Tonight Show

I heard clips of John Boehner’s interview last Wednesday night on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. I’m left wondering what in the world was on his mind, what he was intending to accomplish with this interview. Now I know … Continue reading

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Obama validates my assessment of John Boehner

Did you pick up on this in Pres. Obama’s interview with The New Yorker magazine? He gave away John Boehner’s negotiating strategy, and he validates what I have been saying about the Speaker. Here is the quote: “Another way of … Continue reading

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This disgusting, corrupt budget process

It used to nearly make my hair nearly stand on end to hear the rant of libertarians, years ago, that there was no difference between the Democrats and Republicans. However, in regard to the leadership of the Republican party, that … Continue reading

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