Tag Archives: US debt ceiling

Republican Senate leadership is trying to fool us on the debt ceiling vote

I’m a fervent conservative and a life-long Republican. But if I lived in Kentucky, I’d probably work for the defeat of Mitch McConnell in his Senate re-election campaign, even against the Democrat. That’s how disgusted I am with how he … Continue reading

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Budget, or debt ceiling – where is it better for Republicans to draw the line?

This past week, Charles Krauthammer, who is pro-Republican and is on the Fox News Special Report panel, has been arguing that Republicans should not be trying to defund Obamacare by drawing a red line on the budget but by making … Continue reading

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A Gutsy Move by Standard & Poors

That was a gutsy move by Standard & Poors to downgrade the credit rating of the United States. The King does not like bad news. This makes Standard & Poors a target of the administration, as statements over the weekend … Continue reading

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