Category Archives: Entitlements

Jeffrey Hillman – the man who would rather be homeless.

There’s a lot of buzz on the Internet about Jeffrey Hillman, the homeless man in Manhattan who was given a pair of boots by NYC policeman Lawrence DePrimo. The latest today is an article in today’s New York Daily News, … Continue reading

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The failure of the welfare state in Great Britain

Friday evening, Mark Levin had a caller, a Jim from Stratford, Connecticut, who was an immigrant from Scotland. What he said about the welfare state in Great Britain was most interesting, and doesn’t really need any comment, so I’ll just post a transcript … Continue reading

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The Moocher Class, the Producer Class, and Ayn Rand’s Predictions

Ayn Rand was born in Russia and came to the United States in 1925. Impressed with America, she found a way to stay. In the 1940s, seeing in New Deal liberalism the same philosophy of state control of everything that … Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Entitlements | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Privatizing Social Security – Don’t back down, conservatives!

A tactic being used by liberal Democrats in the upcoming election cycle is scaring people by saying that conservative candidates want to “privatize” social security. They make it sound so scary. When we examine the proposals, however, conservatives merely want … Continue reading

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