Monthly Archives: February 2012

Romney the moderate, in his own words

The day after the Arizona Republican debate, where Romney and Paul ganged up on Rick Santorum, accusing him of not being a true conservative, conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin seemed really annoyed at both Ron Paul and Mitt … Continue reading

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Putting Santorum’s “Politics is a team sport” comment in perspective

Let me start by laying the foundation. I am an anti-establishment Republican. I do not believe in “go along to get along.” I tend to support the anti-establishment candidates. Which is why I’m for Rick Santorum. Rick looked sheepish when … Continue reading

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Obama says: “Dream Small”

Mark Levin played this clip on his radio show the other night. I just love it when he catches Obama revealing what he truly thinks, and here Obama is, giving his constricted view of the American Dream: I call it: … Continue reading

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Santorum’s Phoenix Rally – video

Rick Santorum spoke to an enthusiastic crowd of an estimated 600 to 700 persons, at the El-Zaribah Shrine Auditorium in Phoenix today. Here is the link to his 40-minute speech: Rick Santorum Phoenix Rally Click here to visit the Liberty … Continue reading

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Rick Santorum – a tough target

As a Santorum supporter, I’m delighted to see the attacks being mounted against him lately. And they’re coming principally from three quarters – Liberals, who are scared of his conservatism, establishment Republicans, who are also scared of, or maybe I … Continue reading

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The big “Obama is Muslim” gaffe

Mark Levin opened his radio show tonight with the big flap over the mix-up over Obama’s religion. “There’s a big flap out there, ladies and gentlemen. Somebody accidentally accused Barack Milhous Obama of being Muslim. But it was an accident, … Continue reading

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Is Mitt Romney honest? An LDS perspective.

I just discovered that my blog posting from last Friday, titled, The Mormon Case Against Romney, was picked up and published in its entirety by The Free Republic blog. And was commented on in a lively discussion, with comments such … Continue reading

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The Mormon case against Romney

I’m LDS, and I fully realize that the Mormon vote is going for Romney. He’s going to take Utah. And Arizona. Pardon me for not joining. I know the thinking. When that LDS tag is attached, members of the Church … Continue reading

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Matt Salmon at the Mountain View Tea Party

Matt Salmon was the guest speaker at our Mountain View Tea Party tonight. I was very impressed. My first clue that this is a man I can trust was his sticking to his word when he first served in Congress. … Continue reading

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Questions raised about Obama’s connection to Mexican drug cartels

Did it strike anyone else as unusual how quickly Obama returned campaign donations from these “Chicago men whose brother is a fugitive casino owner with suspected ties to political corruption in Mexico.” (Click the link to read the Chicago Tribune … Continue reading

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Rick Santorum’s likability

If you’ve read much of this blog, you know that, among the present field of Republican presidential candidates, Rick Santorum is my man. I predicted some time ago that if the race could ever be framed as a two-person race … Continue reading

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Make my day, Pres. Obama. Stick to your guns on this contraception mandate.

One thing that annoys me to no end about national politics is the deception that goes on – the people clamping down on liberties passing themselves off as defending them, and the gullible people who believe them. That’s why I … Continue reading

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