Tag Archives: Republican debate

Megyn Kelly’s damaged credibility

The thing is, I’m not really that fond of Donald Trump. Oh, I love what he is saying and how the media are so flummoxed by what he is saying. I love the way he fights. And I would definitely … Continue reading

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Romney the moderate, in his own words

The day after the Arizona Republican debate, where Romney and Paul ganged up on Rick Santorum, accusing him of not being a true conservative, conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin seemed really annoyed at both Ron Paul and Mitt … Continue reading

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Putting Santorum’s “Politics is a team sport” comment in perspective

Let me start by laying the foundation. I am an anti-establishment Republican. I do not believe in “go along to get along.” I tend to support the anti-establishment candidates. Which is why I’m for Rick Santorum. Rick looked sheepish when … Continue reading

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Don’t let the Left frame the debate on same sex marriage

Kudos to Newt Gingrich for helping reframe the debate on same sex marriage in last night’s Republican debate. The question is the definition of marriage, not one of civil rights. It was a question from a Yahoo News reader: “Given … Continue reading

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Michele Bachmann correct in her jab at Newt

In Saturday night’s debate, Michele Bachmann accused Newt Gingrich of having once supported a cap-and-trade program to address “global warming” concerns. Newt then accused her of not getting her facts straight again. But she was correct, and I don’t believe … Continue reading

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Admitting, reluctantly, that Romney won this debate

I am not a big fan of Mitt Romney. People wonder at that, since I am LDS, expecting me to fall in line. But I bristle at that thought. The nation’s politics are in dire straits, and I feel the … Continue reading

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Who won the Iowa debate? (from Arizona Tea Party Network)

The Arizona Tea Party Network is running an online poll asking who did the best in last night’s Republican debate. Here are the rankings so far, as of 11:00 this morning: Newt Gingrich – 34% Michele Bachmann – 21% Ron … Continue reading

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A surprising showing by Michele Bachmann in our Tea Party straw poll

I left watching the Republican debate on Fox to be able to catch part of our Mountain View Tea Party meeting and its straw poll. I was a little surprised at the results of the poll. Mitt Romney drew 41% of … Continue reading

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