Tag Archives: Newt Gingrich

Funny numbers on unemployment, Jack Welch, and being polite

America needs more people with the guts of Jack Welch, who tweeted after Friday’s unemployment report, “Unbelievable jobs numbers…these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so change numbers.” And it does take guts. He’s taking on the Chicago guys, and … Continue reading

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Matt Salmon at the Mountain View Tea Party

Matt Salmon was the guest speaker at our Mountain View Tea Party tonight. I was very impressed. My first clue that this is a man I can trust was his sticking to his word when he first served in Congress. … Continue reading

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Rick Santorum’s likability

If you’ve read much of this blog, you know that, among the present field of Republican presidential candidates, Rick Santorum is my man. I predicted some time ago that if the race could ever be framed as a two-person race … Continue reading

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Newt Gingrich should withdraw and support Rick Santorum

Yesterday on Mark Levin’s radio show, he mentioned some prominent pundit who suggested that Newt Gingrich should drop out and throw his support to Rick Santorum. Good idea! Newt has been saying he could beat Mitt Romney if only Rick … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin is wrong on this one – Rick Santorum is the most electable conservative

I very much admire Sarah Palin. I’ve read her autobiography, and view her as a true, freedom-loving patriot. But she and other conservatives are making a gross tactical error in backing Newt Gingrich. It’s splintering the Republican party terribly and … Continue reading

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Conservatives – get Rick Santorum or you’re going to lose an important contstituency

I’m so frustrated with our conservative opinion leaders, I could spit. I love Rush Limbaugh – I catch some of his show every day. I highly respect Mark Levin – I download his podcast and try to catch every point he … Continue reading

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I’m frustrated with the direction of the Republican nomination process

And what I’m frustrated with is the behavior of certain “opinion leaders” in the conservative movement. Yes, the country has deteriorated morally considerably in the last thirty years, since we elected Reagan. But we need more conservatives who are willing … Continue reading

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Character does matter in a Republican presidential candidate

My problem with Newt as a presidential candidate, from the beginning, has been the character issue. Twelve years ago, Democrats were trying to sell us on the idea that character doesn’t matter in a president – only his policies and … Continue reading

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Don’t let the Left frame the debate on same sex marriage

Kudos to Newt Gingrich for helping reframe the debate on same sex marriage in last night’s Republican debate. The question is the definition of marriage, not one of civil rights. It was a question from a Yahoo News reader: “Given … Continue reading

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Michele Bachmann correct in her jab at Newt

In Saturday night’s debate, Michele Bachmann accused Newt Gingrich of having once supported a cap-and-trade program to address “global warming” concerns. Newt then accused her of not getting her facts straight again. But she was correct, and I don’t believe … Continue reading

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Problems for Newt

Yesterday on Fox News Sunday there were a couple of bombs lobbed at the Gingrich campaign. I hope thinking Republicans will take note. Gingrich may, in fact, in spite of his recognized brilliance as a debater, be the weakest possible … Continue reading

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Fox News Sunday panel reams Gingrich

Yesterday, Fox News Sunday panel talked about Newt Gingrich, and moderator Chris Wallace asked about his receiving money from Freddie Mac and various major healthcare company. AB Stoddard’s answer was withering: “I think he’s been disingenuous in his answers. The … Continue reading

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