Conservatives – get Rick Santorum or you’re going to lose an important contstituency

I’m so frustrated with our conservative opinion leaders, I could spit.

I love Rush Limbaugh – I catch some of his show every day. I highly respect Mark Levin – I download his podcast and try to catch every point he makes on his radio show each day. And I consider Sarah Palin an inspiring leader. But they’re all just sweeping the character problems with Newt under the rug.

Are you, the reader, also one of these “enlightened” people of the 21st century who has come to realize that sex is a private matter and character is an old-fashioned notion? Okay, I realize that way too many people are that way. But you have to realize that there are a sizable chunk of us conservatives who still cling to our religion, and we will not go along. So if the morality argument doesn’t cut it with you, how does losing the election sound? Yes, there were standing ovations for Newt in both South Carolina debates. But did you notice the quiet people who just sat there, disgusted? Look at the video. If you didn’t notice them, I did, because I would have also sat on my hands had I been in the audience. Forget whether or not Marianne’s accusation of Newt wanting an open marriage or not is true. I believe her, because from my experience the aggrieved spouse is more credible in my mind than the adulterer. But whether or not that is true, Newt is still a serial adulterer – he admits that.

Mark Levin is saying the American people believe in forgiveness. Let me be first in line to affirm that principle. I forgive Newt. I’m really big on forgiveness. I forgive Bill Clinton for blunting the moral sensibilities of an entire nation. Heck, I forgive Barack Obama for trying to destroy the economy and the work ethic of the country. To a great extent, he doesn’t understand what he is doing. But this isn’t about forgiveness – this is about judgment and selecting a leader.

Newt is a proud and a passionate man who is wrapped up in himself. That type of person does not handle power well. You maybe don’t see that, but I do, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a sizable chunk of the electorate doesn’t feel that way, too. Now Democrats can get away with such moral turpitude because the people who care about those things, 90% of them will not vote for their candidate anyway. But the Republican candidate for president needs those votes – they’re a big chunk of his base. Are you willing to write those people off and plunge us headlong down to defeat?

Get some sense, please. This election is too critical to blow it.

And, while I’m a Mormon, I’m not for Mitt Romney. First of all, Romney is a moderate. Second, he is not the strongest candidate – Rush was pointing out yesterday how the Republican establishment and the Conservative establishment are getting nervous about him because they are beginning to see him as a “brittle” candidate (that’s the word they are using) who won’t be able to handle himself well under fire. And third, as I watch him dance around the issues and play word games defending the vicious negative ads of his Super PAC, I realize that he is not the strongest character candidate in the race. I have lived through enough trouble in this world to know that church membership and even church leadership positions are not an absolute guide in judging character. Rick Santorum has shown the highest integrity throughout the entire campaign, and so that’s where my money is going.

This is the morning of the South Carolina primary. The pundits are telling us that Gingrich has the momentum to win this one. I suppose he may. That’s unfortunate. But there’s still some time to get some sense and pick a winner.

Please, please, conservatives, don’t blow this one.

About David Hall

By Dr. David Hall. Dr. Hall runs The Website Factory, a digital marketing agency. He has had a long-standing interest in politics. As a college student he was Utah State Chairman for both Young Americans for Freedom and Youth for Nixon, and toyed with the idea of a political career.
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