Monthly Archives: July 2015

Fox News – helping protect corrupt Republican leadership

I knew it was coming, but it was still hard to listen to the assault on Ted Cruz from the Fox News Channel after he confronted Mitch McConnell for his lying about his secret deal on the Export-Import Bank. I’ll … Continue reading

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McConnell lies to Republicans, and Cruz calls him on it

In a dramatic speech on the Senate floor on Friday, Ted Cruz accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of lying to the other Republican Senators about a deal to re-authorize the Export-Import Bank. And interestingly, McConnell has no response. It’s … Continue reading

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The political lines between good and evil are becoming more clear

Any decent person who watches these videos that have been released by the Center for Medical Progress, depicting Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies has to be disgusted. That is, any decent person. That’s … Continue reading

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This says it all about gun-free zones

All this post needs is the photograph – no commentary is necessary. This is from the terrorist shooting in Tennessee. Rush Limbaugh published this today on his website. Click here to visit the Liberty Musings conservative politics home page.

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Iran won’t even thank us for the Nukes

The tough thing about this Iran deal that Obama and Kerry have negotiated is that Iran won’t even thank the United States for helping it get nuclear weapons. But let’s put that aside and look at how they got this … Continue reading

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Dumping on Trump, and the Beast of the Book of Revelation

There has been a lot of speculation about the Beast of Revelation, trying to pin down who he is. While we can’t identify the Beast as an individual, his role is to cause trouble for the people of God–that much … Continue reading

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Is Donald Trump damaging the Republican brand?

So Rush Limbaugh today quoted some of the establishment Republicans who are having a fit about Donald Trump. George Will on Fox News Sunday said, “If Donald Trump were a Democratic mole placed in the Republican Party to disrupt things, … Continue reading

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Inside the minds of those who don’t stand on principle

I saw a cartoon by David Fitzsimmons in Sunday’s Mesa Tribune that was very revealing as to how many people on the Left think. I am entitled to post the cartoon here for the purposes of criticism, but out of … Continue reading

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