Tag Archives: Planned Parenthood

Mitch McConnell’s Duplicity

I was confident, because of Mitch McConnell’s tepid response to the de-funding of Planned Parenthood, that what he really wanted to do was continue funding them while appearing to oppose that. After all, Senator McConnell is the defender of the … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton’s War on Babies

I thought it was interesting, hearing Hillary Clinton’s ad defending Planned Parenthood. She was framing the debate as if being pro-baby was being against women. So to be pro-women, in Hillary’s mind, is to be anti-baby. Typical leftist, sowing divisions … Continue reading

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The political lines between good and evil are becoming more clear

Any decent person who watches these videos that have been released by the Center for Medical Progress, depicting Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies has to be disgusted. That is, any decent person. That’s … Continue reading

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What’s the big deal about Kermit Gosnell?

I heard it yesterday on Fox on “The Five” and the night before on Special Report’s All Star Panel – these panels wrestling with the question about why the establishment media isn’t covering Kermit Gosnell’s mass murder trial. But the … Continue reading

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