Tag Archives: establishment media

The establishment media wants us scared and shut down

On Friday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was interviewed on CNBC and made this interesting statement: “We can’t stay locked down for such a considerable period of time that you might … Continue reading

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Fox News – helping protect corrupt Republican leadership

I knew it was coming, but it was still hard to listen to the assault on Ted Cruz from the Fox News Channel after he confronted Mitch McConnell for his lying about his secret deal on the Export-Import Bank. I’ll … Continue reading

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McConnell lies to Republicans, and Cruz calls him on it

In a dramatic speech on the Senate floor on Friday, Ted Cruz accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of lying to the other Republican Senators about a deal to re-authorize the Export-Import Bank. And interestingly, McConnell has no response. It’s … Continue reading

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A gradual, quiet coup

That’s how Mark Levin described President Obama’s approach to the presidency, underscored by Obama’s comments today in his first official cabinet meeting of the year. As quoted by The Daily Caller, he said: “One of the things I’ll be emphasizing … Continue reading

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NSA data collection – The great disconnect between the ruling class and the people

I wrote in an earlier post, titled Snowden a Patriot?, that this issue graphically illustrates the divide between the ruling class, including so-called conservative commentators who operate inside the Beltway, with the people. This was dramatically highlighted by a poll … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Power | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What’s the big deal about Kermit Gosnell?

I heard it yesterday on Fox on “The Five” and the night before on Special Report’s All Star Panel – these panels wrestling with the question about why the establishment media isn’t covering Kermit Gosnell’s mass murder trial. But the … Continue reading

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Obama’s campaign against the First Amendment

As I assess this dust-up about Bob Woodward being “threatened” by the White House, part of me wants to break out laughing and part of me wants to dress in black to commemorate the sorry state of the American news … Continue reading

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Pat Caddell – a traditional liberal with some integrity

This is my third post in a row on this unfolding Libya scandal. But I am fascinated and almost horrified to watch the unfolding of this scandal. And it’s not so much seeing what the Obama Administration has done. It … Continue reading

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Libya scandal compared with Watergate

So we have continuing revelations, embarrassing to the Obama administration, coming out of the Libya scandal. Figuring out what happened was pretty easy for those of us who understand the Left and understand Obama. I continue to follow it, not … Continue reading

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Rush Limbaugh’s unemployment numbers prediction from last December

Rush Limbaugh opened Friday’s program talking about the great unemployment number achievement of Obama: “There you have it folks, the economy’s back, the stimulus worked, the jobs council’s programs all worked, Obamacare worked. Look at all the jobs! 114,000 new … Continue reading

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Bias doesn’t even begin to describe this. It’s abject corruption of the media.

I watch how the establishment media treat this unfolding of the story of the meltdown of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, and I remain in a state of shock. I have wanted to write about this for days, … Continue reading

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Have the establishment media no self-respect any more?

I just finished reading an ABC News post, featuring a video of Diane Sawyer trying to portray Romney as unpresidential for disagreeing with Obama’s foreign policy. It is utterly sick and utterly laughable at the same time. Here we have … Continue reading

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