Tag Archives: Mark Levin Show

The conservative pundits are going with Trump – but we could do so much better

I listen faithfully to Mark Levin’s radio show each night, at least enough of it each night to pick up all his themes. And while I have great admiration for his insight, his integrity, and his courage, I part ways … Continue reading

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Even Fox doesn’t have the Ben Carson story right yet

This whole Politico hit piece on Ben Carson, claiming that he fabricated parts of the story about an offer of a West Point scholarship, is a great illustration of the corruption of the media in this country. After publishing a … Continue reading

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Mitch McConnell’s Duplicity

I was confident, because of Mitch McConnell’s tepid response to the de-funding of Planned Parenthood, that what he really wanted to do was continue funding them while appearing to oppose that. After all, Senator McConnell is the defender of the … Continue reading

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McConnell lies to Republicans, and Cruz calls him on it

In a dramatic speech on the Senate floor on Friday, Ted Cruz accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of lying to the other Republican Senators about a deal to re-authorize the Export-Import Bank. And interestingly, McConnell has no response. It’s … Continue reading

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The political lines between good and evil are becoming more clear

Any decent person who watches these videos that have been released by the Center for Medical Progress, depicting Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies has to be disgusted. That is, any decent person. That’s … Continue reading

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Iran won’t even thank us for the Nukes

The tough thing about this Iran deal that Obama and Kerry have negotiated is that Iran won’t even thank the United States for helping it get nuclear weapons. But let’s put that aside and look at how they got this … Continue reading

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Washington is perfecting the art of ruling us against our wills

The arguments being presented before the Supreme Court on Obamacare are revealing what a mess this law has made of our healthcare system. And it’s due in large part to the manner in which is was rammed through. Last night, … Continue reading

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Obamacare’s death panels

Last Wednesday, Mark Levin, on his radio show, took a call from a physician named Chris from Milwaukee. Chris reported on a seminar he had attended in Rhode Island where Ezekiel (“Zeke”) Emanuel was speaking on Obamacare. He was explaining … Continue reading

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Is this what establishment Republicans really think of conservatives?

The Republican establishment crossed a line in their desperate attempt to rescue a crony in Mississippi. And I think they’re going to pay for this. I think we’re only starting to see the backlash. For background, Senator Thad Cochran has … Continue reading

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Ben Sasse – bucking the Republican establishment

I heard Ben Sasse interviewed on Mark Levin’s radio show before his primary election victory where he won the Republican nomination for Senate in Nebraska, and I was very impressed. Here is a thoughtful, courageous, highly articulate conservative of the … Continue reading

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Progress of the Liberty Amendments in Arizona

Back in November I wrote a post about Mark Levin’s new book, The Liberty Amendments. In it, he proposes that the states call a convention for the purpose of amending the US Constitution. This is a provision that was placed … Continue reading

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The corruption of John Boehner

I am a big fan of Mark Levin, listen to his radio show regularly, and his opinions and analysis carry a great deal of weight with me. So I have been disappointed that he hasn’t seemed to see through John … Continue reading

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